Our website is down

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Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:55 pm
Website: www.realnoni.com

Our website is down

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We have an urgent issue....please go to realnoni.com and you will see that the website is completely blank. We called GoDaddy and they said all is fine on their end that the issue would need to be corrected by our web host.
We tried to access it from different devices, had friends in different states and even different countries try to access and everyone just lands on the blank white page. Please help!
website down.jpg
Support Team
Support Team
Website: www.allprowebtools.com

Re: Our website is down!

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We have found that at 11:25am on 6/16/2022 someone logged in as user "steve" and went to "Settings" -> "Administrator" and made changes to the "Header" template that contained errors.
Several edits were made to the Header template until 12:29pm

We have corrected the errors in the Header template as explained in this post: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=4747
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