Images & SEO

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Joined: Mon Mar 14, 2016 2:20 pm

Images & SEO

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Does adding a description (Relative to keywords) to each image on your site help with SEO rankings?

If so.... once the images have been already loaded onto a page from previous time, how can you change the description of that image?

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Re: Images & SEO

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Adding a description to an image can help your SEO rankings, but by itself only has a small impact. More importantly, these descriptions are used by assistive screen readers and are displayed as an alternative text if the image can not load for some reason.

Once you've added an image, you can change the description this way:
  1. Click on the image and make sure it is highlighted
  2. Now, right click on the highlighted image
  3. Click on "Insert Image"
  4. This will bring up the image properties, and the "Source" field should already be filled in with the image's file path. If the "Source" is blank, you did not select the image properly and you must go back to step 1
  5. If the image was selected properly, you can add an "Image Description" without changing the "Source" or the image itself.
Please let me know if you have any more questions!

Re: Images & SEO

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Will the seo aspect of an image description be noticed by google if images are in a image slider or would it be better to post to a page of images? Or Several Pages?
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Re: Images & SEO

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The image slider does not utilize image descriptions. If you want to use image descriptions for SEO, it will be better to create a separate webpage with the images.
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