Google Page indexing issues

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Joined: Sat Mar 12, 2016 11:49 am

Google Page indexing issues

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I have received several emails from Google telling me that I have "Page indexing issues" on my website. What can I do?
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Re: Google Page indexing issues

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Google is just informing you that it can no longer send people to some webpages that you recently deleted. You can login to your Google Account by clicking the big blue button in the email that Google sent you. The big blue button says "View issue details"

Here is the list that you will see:
Screenshot from 2023-03-31 09-12-31.png
You will notice that Google is referencing some "SYSTEM" pages that you don't use or don't want to send customers to look at.
If there are any webpages on this list that you do want your customers to see, feel free to comment on this forum post for additional assistance.
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