Logo upload size issue for invoices

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Joined: Fri Sep 25, 2020 2:07 pm
Website: www.deannasnyder.com

Logo upload size issue for invoices

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I've uploaded the site designation size and can't fix the invoice logos.
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Re: Logo upload size issue for invoices

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When uploading your logo for invoices, you are given control over the position of the logo across the entire top of the invoice. As shown here, the image size is the entire top of the invoice, but the logo is placed in the upper left side of the image:
Screenshot from 2023-12-03 00-04-06.png
To accomplish this, first start open your image editing software with a canvas area of the dimensions specified 2249 x 339 pixels. The first number is the width. Notice how much wider the image is than it's height. This is the entire banner that goes across the top of the invoice. Below is an example with a green background for illustration - you will likely want to use a white background.
Next place your logo where you want it to appear at the top of your invoice like this:
This allows you to position your logo on the left, center, or right side of the invoice - and even add additional text like a slogan.

Now save the file as a jpg and upload it to your AllProWebTools account.
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