Upcoming Gmail and Yahoo sender limitations

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Joined: Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:47 pm
Website: apwt.industrialprorecruiting.com

Upcoming Gmail and Yahoo sender limitations

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Will my ability to send emails using your service be affected by the upcoming changes? I use mailgun as a service linked with AP. Let me know your thoughts please.
Support Team
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Website: www.allprowebtools.com

Re: Upcoming Gmail and Yahoo sender limitations

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AllProWebTools will not limit your ability to send, but Mailgun might limit you. We recommend contacting Mailgun with your question.
Website: apwt.industrialprorecruiting.com

Re: Upcoming Gmail and Yahoo sender limitations

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When I "send" an email in my current configuration using AP and Mailgun, does it count against my domain's "sent" emails?
Support Team
Support Team
Website: www.allprowebtools.com

Re: Upcoming Gmail and Yahoo sender limitations

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Your questions regarding this issue can only be addressed by your SMTP provider. You have stated that Mailgun is your SMTP provider.
Website: apwt.industrialprorecruiting.com

Re: Upcoming Gmail and Yahoo sender limitations

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Thanks for the response. I am checking with them now.
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