Clear our contact list

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Joined: Sun Nov 26, 2023 9:28 pm

Clear our contact list

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We tried removing contacts under a specific tag named as "SC Leads" but somehow contacts are back and assigned to "No tag". We have 642 records having NO TAG.
I noticed, at this time, there is no way to mass delete a list of contacts in AllProWebTools.
please remove contacts under NO tag except contacts having ID 1,2,5 and 6
OR it would be great if you can assign these contacts a tag "Newsletter".
So result will be 638 contacts assigned a tag "Newsletter".
Thank you
AllPro Provider
AllPro Provider

Re: Clear our contact list

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To assign these untagged contacts to a new tag, you can create the new "Newsletter" tag first.

This video will show you how you can create a new tag:

Next, please go to the 'Contacts' > 'View All' and select 'No Tags' from the tags drop down menu.
Clicking this will reload the page and give you the new download button for your 'no tags' list.
Then, you can edit your downloaded CSV file to remove the contacts ID #1,2,5 and 6.

And last, assign these contacts to the new "Newsletter" tag by going to the 'Settings' > 'Import/Export' to reupload your list just like you would normally do.
Please do not forget to select the name of the tag when uploading by clicking on its name to highlight like this.
Also, this video will show you how you can upload your contact list:

Re: Clear our contact list

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Thank you for Guiding.
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