Contacts are not automatically getting removed from Marketing Campaigns

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Joined: Tue Jan 31, 2023 5:02 pm

Contacts are not automatically getting removed from Marketing Campaigns

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I created a campaign that will automatically remove contacts from all campaigns after they reply, and I noticed that my contacts are still a part of the campaign after they've replied to an email.

For example, I included [email protected] in my TransportationAndLogisticsLeadsSouthAtlantic campaign, he received my email at 8:04AM 1/29/23, and he replied at 8:22AM 1/29/23, and he is still a part of the TransportationAndLogisticsLeadsSouthAtlantic campaign.

I also discovered that I haven't received any emails in AllProWebTools since Jan 26, 2023. Are you able to assist?
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Re: Contacts are not automatically getting removed from Marketing Campaigns

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Your account was recently moved from a temporary domain to your custom domain. After this process, it is necessary to delete the WebTool "CRM Inbox" and then add the WebTool back.

I have done this for you and you should now see emails being forwarded again. This should also resolve the issue with your remove campaign.
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