Web theme & pictures not loading properly

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Joined: Sun Nov 10, 2019 1:11 pm
Website: www.parentweenconnection.com

Web theme & pictures not loading properly

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The current theme for my website is Artisan and seems to be installed properly and has been for some time.
However, it's not actually displaying that theme.
Also, pictures on numerous webpages are not displaying properly.
It's been like this for several days. I thought initially it might've been because I was working on this late at night & y'all might've been doing updates. But it's now 11:30AM ET on a Monday, and it's still like that.


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Website: www.allprowebtools.com

Re: Web theme & pictures not loading properly

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Your background is set to load this image: https://www.parentweenconnection.com/content/uploads/Two-Happy-Girls-Color-Compressed-25-Space-on-top-1.png

As you requested in this forum post: https://www.allprowebtools.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&p=11819

The image for https://www.parentweenconnection.com/content/uploads/Two-Happy-Girls-Color-Compressed-25-Space-on-top-1.png has been deleted of moved - this is why it is not showing on your website.

It is possible that other images have been moved or deleted by someone editing your website.

The following warning is posted on the images page:
Screenshot from 2023-02-06 12-49-25.png
Website: www.parentweenconnection.com

Re: Web theme & pictures not loading properly

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I got the background image fixed - no need for extra support on that!
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