I just attempted a test purchase of one of my products (https://www.coachclientconnection.com/T ... -Touch-Up/), and… pretty much everything went wrong. :(
1. Upon logging in, I was confronted with a page detailing my order history, and I had to scroll past that to continue the purchase.
This is an unnecessary distraction in the purchasing process; is there a way for me to make it less obtrusive, but still accessible? The purchase the client is trying to complete should be the focal part of the page, with everything else easy to find but very much out of the way.
2. The part of the page that IS geared toward the intended purchase is labeled “Quotes & Estimates”, and its call to action is “Pay Estimate”. This is entirely incorrect for my business. They’re buying a product; there’s no estimate involved. This could cause unnecessary confusion. Where do I edit this?
Also, I don’t recall it saying this during my previous test purchases. I had no idea this change had been made until I made this test purchase. Is there a way to prevent such unwanted changes from being made to my shopping cart and other client-interactable systems without my knowledge and consent?
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I really don’t like how APWT keeps finding ways to say things to my customers that I never asked or wanted it to say. I like your team, and I want to like your product, but I don’t like being sabotaged by my own business software. :(
3. As a purchaser, how do I remove extraneous shipping addresses? I only want to have one, but for some reason I have three, and I see no option to remove the extras.
4. How can my clients log out or switch to a different account if they decide they don’t want to use the account they’re using?
For example, I made the mistake of logging in with the same email I use for my PayPal account, and I wanted to log out and log in with a different email, but I saw no option to do so. In another forum thread, you sent me this link: https://www.coachclientconnection.com/logout.php That helped me log out, but it won’t help my clients if they want to log out.
In Settings > Store > Checkout, “Force Logout After Purchase” is checked, yet my client account remained logged in until I clicked that link.
5. Sometimes switching addresses doesn’t work. After using the above link to log out and log in with a different account, I reattempted the test purchase and tried to select one of my pre-entered shipping addresses via the “Update Address” button.
After I selected the correct address, the text in the “shipping address” field continued to show the wrong info, I continued to get a notification saying “Token Error: Phone Number returned no results”, and it erased the info I’d already entered in the Payment Option fields.
6. On a related note, it also erases my info when I add tags to a marketing campaign, too. If I’ve mostly finished filling out the info for my new marketing campaign, then I create a new tag, it will refresh the page and erase my info. Can you change it so that info we’ve entered into fields remains intact when changes are made?
7. After I completed the first attempt at a test purchase, I was not added to the marketing campaign I’d attached to the product, nor did I receive my “thanks for purchasing” email.
For context, this was when I was attempting the purchase with a client account that had the same email address as my PayPal address, then during the checkout process, I used the PayPal account associated with a different email address.
It’s been around 40 minutes since the test purchase, and neither of these addresses was added to the “30-Minute Touch-Up” campaign or received the intended email. It still says there are “0 waiting to send” and “0 active” participants.
8. I attempted to complete the test purchase with the correct email and incorrect shipping address, and it took me to this page: https://www.coachclientconnection.com/s ... ummary.php The page is blank.
If you can help me get my checkout process functional again, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
My test purchase went wrong in so many ways. :(
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Re: My test purchase went wrong in so many ways. :(
Hello Stephanie!
I want to thank you for providing so much detail in your report - it really helps us to resolve the issue quickly. We found a number of configuration issues in your account such as:
A shipping description that was shown to customers on checkout that required a phone number when your account does not have a phone number or provides shipping. This is a user setting that can be found from the main menu via "Stores" -> "Shipping Manager" and then click on "Set shipping text". This is an area where you can communicate information to your customers on the checkout page.
We also found that NAME field for your email address was itself, an email address - which is invalid. This user defined setting is found from the main menu via: "Settings" -> "Company Information" where the field label is "Email Name"
We have adjusted these settings as well as made some adjustments to the code in response to your suggestions.
I believe the majority of the issues are now corrected. Would you be willing to run another purchasing test now and report back? - Support Team
- AllPro Provider
- Website: www.coachclientconnection.com
- Contact:
Re: My test purchase went wrong in so many ways. :(
Hi, Dave,
Thanks for the information, and for resolving so many of these problems so quickly.
I'm in the process of reattempting the test purchase, and the address is displaying correctly. I still have no way of deleting my erroneous addresses, though; for some reason I have two addresses that each consist entirely of a single comma, and I'd like to get rid of them.
I see there's a logout option in the upper left - thanks for putting that there.
I could've sworn there were multiple options for how to pay when I made my previous attempt; now it's only showing PayPal. Was that intentional? I would rather provide multiple options.
I just completed the test purchase. Is there a way to direct people to a "thank you" page when they complete the purchase? I tried looking it up, and it seems like other people have also brought this up, but I'm not sure whether the request was ever implemented. If it was, my attempts to find instructions for creating this redirect on the forum and Google haven't turned anything up so far. viewtopic.php?f=1&t=4164&hilit=thank+yo ... r+purchase
It's now been several minutes since I completed the test purchase. My marketing campaign "30Minute TouchUp" was supposed to activate and send an email when someone purchased the 30-Minute Touch-Up coaching package, but the email address I used to purchase it still hasn't been added to the campaign, and hasn't received the email that was supposed to be sent upon purchase. I checked my junk folder and it wasn't there, and neither APWT or my business email are in that email account's block list.
I just checked the contact record, and the appropriate tag was added to that email's contact profile, but the rest of the marketing campaign failed to activate. In case it helps, the email in question was [email protected].
Thanks again for all your help, and thanks in advance for helping me get these remaining issues fixed. - AllPro Provider
- AllPro Provider
- Website: www.allprowebtools.com
Re: My test purchase went wrong in so many ways. :(
Can you list the payment services that you are subscribed to?
For redirecting the customer after purchase:
You can go to the 'Settings' > 'Store' > and the 'Checkout' tab (1)
Here (2), you can enter the URL of the page you want your customer to see after they paid for an order.
Please do not forget to put the 'https://' for the URL. Then you can click 'Save'
Be sure to test this because if the URL is not entered correctly it can cause issues for the checkout process.
In regards to your campaign "30Minute Touchup" - It looks like you are testing with a hotmail email address. You are also using the APWT-SMTP service for sending emails. There is a known issue when using this choice for SMTP when it relates to @hotmail.com addresses. You can read the experiences of many others here:
- https://www.reddit.com/r/aws/comments/mbmn5v/ses_messages_never_showing_up_for_hotmail_users/
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62791131/amazon-ses-emails-not-delivering-to-outlook-and-hotmail-based-ids
- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/674065/emails-from-amazon-ses-not-delivered
- https://repost.aws/questions/QUFVfh2utFRxaOYzL9TGaT7Q/ses-most-complaints-come-from-hotmail
I have noticed that you have 5 people in your database with hotmail addresses. If sending to hotmall addresses is important to you, you can change your SMTP provider to SendGrid as explained here: https://www.allprowebtools.com/How-to-set-up-SMTP-with-Sendgrid-on-AllProWebTools/ - AllPro Provider
- AllPro Provider
- Website: www.coachclientconnection.com
- Contact:
Re: My test purchase went wrong in so many ways. :(
Thanks, Chopper.
I'm currently only integrated with PayPal, but I could've sworn it presented an option to go straight to processing a credit card before, whereas now it starts by ONLY showing the "Pay with PayPal" option. Maybe I'm remembering wrong; I didn't think to screenshot that part of the process.
I just went into my payment settings and adjusted it to accept Visa, Discover, MasterCard, and American Express. That's another spot where I feel like the interface was different before (I don't think those options were there before), but I couldn't bet money on it.
It looks like I can only create one "Thank you" page that applies to ALL product purchases - is that correct, or am I missing a way to create product-specific "Thank you" pages?
It seems I'll have to try my next test purchase with a different email, and decide whether I want to switch email systems or just add a warning notice to the purchase system. Thanks for all your help. - AllPro Provider
- AllPro Provider
- Website: www.allprowebtools.com
Re: My test purchase went wrong in so many ways. :(
There is currently no facility for specifying a different "thank you page" per product, however it is recommended to send an email to the customer after purchase. It appears that you have already configured the campaigns to send an email:
It is recommended to add any unique information about the product purchase to the initial email that the customer receives after the purchase. - AllPro Provider
- AllPro Provider
- Website: www.coachclientconnection.com
- Contact:
Re: My test purchase went wrong in so many ways. :(
That makes sense. Thanks, Chopper. I guess I'll have to put a note in the "thank you" page to say that they should receive an email with their access info, and to encourage them to contact me if they don't get the email.
I'll retest the purchase this week, and let you know if I run into any further issues. - AllPro Provider
- AllPro Provider
- Website: www.coachclientconnection.com
- Contact:
Re: My test purchase went wrong in so many ways. :(
I reattempted the test purchase, this time via a credit card. After entering the credit card information, I am now stuck on the loading screen, and have been for several minutes. Not sure if this problem is on PayPal's end or AllProWebTools's; do you have any thoughts on that? I was purchasing as a guest, not via a logged-in PayPal account, in case that makes a difference. I'm also using Google Chrome. - AllPro Provider
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Re: My test purchase went wrong in so many ways. :(
I have just completed a purchase from your website. I paid with PayPal as a guest and I never logged into PayPal, I just entered my credit card.
You may find it interesting that I was asked which currency to pay with:
After payment, I was shown this screen:
And when I clicked on the button labeled "Return to merchant", I was taken to the home page of your website.
You will find a new order in your main dashboard:
- Support Team
- AllPro Provider
- Website: www.coachclientconnection.com
- Contact:
Re: My test purchase went wrong in so many ways. :(
Thanks for the information, and for doing a test purchase, Dave.
At what point in the purchase process were you offered the currency option? I'm in the middle of attempting another test purchase, and I'm getting no such option.
It sounds like you weren't directed to my thank-you page. Were you? In my Checkout settings, I've set the system to send people here after they make a purchase: https://www.coachclientconnection.com/T ... -purchase/
Did you receive an email after your test purchase? The "30Minute TouchUp" campaign still indicates that it has zero active participants.
I finished entering my credit card info and hit "Pay now as guest", and now, several minutes later, the page is still faded, and the loading icon is still spinning. - AllPro Provider
- AllPro Provider
- Website: www.coachclientconnection.com
- Contact:
Re: My test purchase went wrong in so many ways. :(
I just got notified of a test purchase from an email starting with "choppersCRM". Was that a test purchase by Chopper?
Also, every time someone purchases the product, I get an email saying "Inventory Threshold Reached On www.coachclientconnection.com/"
The latest email said:
"The inventory threshold has been reached for:
Thirty-Minute Touch-Up: Threshold: 999999 Current Quantity: 99996"
I don't understand how having 99996 out of 99999 in stock counts as reaching an "inventory threshold." Could you clarify that?
Thanks in advance. - AllPro Provider
- Support Team
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Re: My test purchase went wrong in so many ways. :(
Your email campaign is now sending correctly after purchase.
Threshold is the minimum quantity to have in stock. When the quantity on hand drops below the threshold, you can be alerted to order more inventory. - Support Team
- AllPro Provider
- Website: www.coachclientconnection.com
- Contact:
Re: My test purchase went wrong in so many ways. :(
Thanks for the clarification about the threshold, Dave.
I've noticed a few purchases from [email protected] and [email protected]; were those your team running tests? The money from those "purchases" didn't land in my PayPal account, so I'm guessing so, but I'd rather be sure.
Regarding one of your earlier test purchases, it sounds like you weren't directed to my thank-you page. Were you? In my Checkout settings, I've set the system to send people here after they make a purchase: https://www.coachclientconnection.com/T ... -purchase/
My last several test purchases couldn't be completed because, after I entered my credit card info, it just kept loading indefinitely. Do you know why that would happen, or is that a question for PayPal? - AllPro Provider
- Support Team
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Re: My test purchase went wrong in so many ways. :(
Yes, we have been testing your checkout system as you requested.
Yes, we are now being directed to your thank you page correctly.
Can you provide the exact steps that are ending with you on a PayPal page that loads forever? Screenshots of your process would be helpful. - Support Team
- AllPro Provider
- Website: www.coachclientconnection.com
- Contact:
Re: My test purchase went wrong in so many ways. :(
Thanks for running those tests. I just reattempted the purchase, and am once again stuck on the infinite loading screen.
I've attached 10 screenshots. For some reason, only numbers 6-10 offer the option to place them inline.- Attachments
- AllPro Provider
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Re: My test purchase went wrong in so many ways. :(
I have followed the steps provided and I was able to complete the charge as follows:
I would first suggest trying a different browser or a different computer, and then I would recommend contacting PayPal directly as this issue is occurring when you are on their website. - Support Team
- AllPro Provider
- Website: www.coachclientconnection.com
- Contact:
Re: My test purchase went wrong in so many ways. :(
I just tried it in Firefox, and everything worked correctly. Thanks for all your help, Dave.
It occurs to me, there is one more thing I'd wanted to bring up:
The "Cart" and "Login" links are now in my site navigation bar all the time, not just during the purchase process. I'm glad the links are now available, but I'd rather not have them awkwardly stacked on top of each other above my nav bar like that, and the way they're on the left but justified right makes it look odd. Is there a way for me to edit their placement and alignment?
Thanks in advance! - AllPro Provider
- Support Team
- Website: www.allprowebtools.com
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Re: My test purchase went wrong in so many ways. :(
You will find these links in the Header.
You can access the Header from the main menu by selecting "Settings" -> "Administrator". On this page you will find the "Theme Editor" and you can click on "Header" to make the edits in HTML.
Lines 25 and 26 contain the login and shopping cart links:
Your web developer (who is familiar with HTML) can assist you in customizing your HTML Template or you can learn more about HTML from Google, ChatGPT, or https://www.w3schools.com/html/ - Support Team
- AllPro Provider
- Website: www.coachclientconnection.com
- Contact:
Re: My test purchase went wrong in so many ways. :(
Thanks! I'll see what I can do with this, and let you know if I have any more questions. - AllPro Provider