The coupon creator keeps resetting my changes

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AllPro Provider
AllPro Provider
Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2016 1:49 pm

The coupon creator keeps resetting my changes

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I'm trying to set up a coupon code for one of my products, but it doesn't want to let me choose the quantity limit. Also, saving the coupon keeps causing boxes I'd checked to become unchecked, and changing a "yes" to a "no." See the screenshot below.
APWT coupon quantity reset error.png
I want each client to be able to use this coupon just once. Basically, if they buy my book, they get a one-time discount on my coaching.

How do I stop it from undoing the changes it's supposed to be saving? Also, is there any chance you could increase the description's character limit? There isn't much one can do with 20 characters.

Thanks in advance.
AllPro Provider
AllPro Provider

Re: The coupon creator keeps resetting my changes

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UPDATE: I just looked at my existing coupons, and it looks like a coupon was created to my specifications, despite the coupon creation page not reflecting that. You might want to adjust your coupon creation page so it doesn't appear to delete changes, to prevent it from causing time-wasting confusion like this.

Hopefully this saves future APWT users some trouble.
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