I can't add a contact's Facebook link to their contact record

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AllPro Provider
AllPro Provider
Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2016 1:49 pm
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I can't add a contact's Facebook link to their contact record

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I'm trying to manually add a contact to my APWT, and it won't let me add their Facebook link. When I try, I get the following error message:

"Whoops! Input should contain alphabetic letters, numbers, and the characters <strong>!@#$%^&*()_-+{}:<>?./~,'</strong> only. [JAB21-900]"

As you can see, the = sign isn't on this list, and the attempt to make the error message text bold went awry.

That's a problem, because unless someone's created a custom Facebook URL for themselves, FB URLS default to "https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=(bunch of numbers)". Which means any non-customized FB URL will be rejected.

Please add equals signs to the list of acceptable URL characters. Thanks!
Support Team
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Website: www.allprowebtools.com

Re: I can't add a contact's Facebook link to their contact record

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Here is the recommended method for adding a Facebook link:
Hope that helps!
AllPro Provider
AllPro Provider
Website: www.coachclientconnection.com

Re: I can't add a contact's Facebook link to their contact record

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Thanks. I was able to add her FB link that way, but it would still be nice if the actual Facebook field got fixed. I mean, it has ONE job, and it's currently designed to fail at that job, haha.
Support Team
Support Team
Website: www.allprowebtools.com

Re: I can't add a contact's Facebook link to their contact record

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Can you provide a screenshot so I can understand what you are referencing?
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