How to Create Landing Pages Using AllProWebTools' Landing Page Tools
Friday August 11, 2017
If you're looking to create landing pages on your website - pages that offer free content in exchange for information - you've come to the right place.
AllProWebTools not only offers landing page tools to help you capture leads from your website, but all the other tools necessary to nurture those leads and turn them into paying customers. This post will focus on the specifics of how to add landing page functionality to your AllProWebTools account. If you don't yet have your own system, contact one of our AllPro Experts to get set up. Most Experts offer lower setup fees than going through AllProWebTools directly.
The Landing Page Tools AllProWebTools Offers vs. Our Competitors
Before you start adding landing page functionality to your AllProWebTools account, it's important to understand what we offer compared to others. First, if you are looking for landing page templates, you won't find that here. There are many websites that offer landing page templates with content you can replace with your own. There are a few problems with going this route however:
- First, these templates will not have a similar look and feel to your website. This can be confusing to your visitors and is bad for your brand. Because these landing pages will exist outside your website, you also have to go through a complex process to get your landing pages on the same URL as your website - something you absolutely must do.
- Second, if you use one of these templated services to build your landing pages you are tied to that service forever unless you want to lose your landing pages and rebuild them somewhere else when you cancel, so you better build them into your budget forever.
- Finally, these landing page providers typically also require payment for an entire year at a time to get a low rate. If you opt for a monthly payment plan, you can expect to pay 30% more starting at around $37/month.
Here's how AllProWebTools is different:
- Our landing page tools allow you to build leadboxes onto your already existing website pages, so everything integrates seamlessly with your existing URL and your brand. So if your site is on Wordpress, you can simply add AllProWebTools as a plugin on your Wordpress site and add leadboxes on any page you wish!
- Because you create pages within your existing website and use AllProWebTools as an add-on, you will still have all the landing pages you created even if you leave. The only thing you will lose are the leadboxes that capture information and redirect your visitors to another page upon submission.
- To get our landing page tools you need only pay a total of $30/month, and that comes with so much more than just landing pages. For that cost you also get unlimited email marketing, automated response emails, a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, a password manager, task manager, the ability to build and host your own website on our system, and so much more! And there are no contracts or annual payments required. You simply pay $30/month. That's it! Many of our customers tell us our system saves them hundreds of dollars a month and countless hours because they can use our technology to do what they would have to pay 4+ other companies to do.
So now that you understand more about we offer, you have two choices: you can either build your website on AllProWebTools or add our leadboxes to your Wordpress site. There are many additional benefits to building your website on AllProWebTools, so ask an AllPro Expert for more information.
Connecting Your AllProWebTools Account With Your Wordpress Website
Before you can start using our landing page tools to add leadboxes to your Wordpress site you need to have an active AllProWebTools account. Talk to an AllPro Expert to setup your account.
Once you have your AllProWebTools account activated, there are a few steps to adding the landing page tools you need. First, go to Settings > Web Tools and click on Available WebTools. Landing page functionality requires these two WebTools: CRM and Email Marketing. If you don't have them already you'll need to add them to your account.
After you've added the CRM and Email Marketing WebTools, you need to connect your AllProWebTools account with your Wordpress website. Follow these steps to connect your accounts:
- Make sure you are logged in to your AllProWebTools account and your Wordpress account.
- In Wordpress, go to Plugins > Add New. You will need to add two plugins to your Wordpress account. In the search bar, type in AllProWebTools Leadboxes. When you find it click the "Install Now" button and then click "Activate".
- Next, search for the plugin called "amr shortcode any widget". Click "Install Now" and activate this plugin as well.
- You will now see an option called "AllProWebTools" in the sidebar of your Wordpress account. Click on it to bring up the settings that will tie your Wordpress account to your AllProWebTools account.
- Go to your AllProWebtools account and go to Settings > Administrator to find the API Key and API Auth. Copy the information in the API Key and API Auth boxes and paste them into the corresponding boxes in your Wordpress account and click "Update Settings".
Creating Landing Pages on Your Wordpress Site
Once you have your accounts connected you can start building your landing pages by following these steps or watching this video.
- Create two new pages in your Wordpress account. These will be your landing page and the thank you page that will receive people once they fill out the lead capture form on your landing page. Add in any content and visuals you want on these pages and save them. Then, copy the URL for your thank you page.
- Go to your AllProWebTools account to create your leadbox. Within your AllProWebTools account, go to Website > My Webpages and click "Create New Page". This is where you will set up a redirect for your lead capture form to send people to your thank you page after they fill it out.
- Give your page a name and title you will remember, then click the "Settings" tab. Make sure the setting for "Redirect this page" is set to "Yes" and paste the URL for your thank you page in the "Redirect Location" box. Then click "Save". You don't need to worry about any other settings on this page.
- Next, go to Contacts > Sign-Up Boxes to create your lead capture form. Click "Create New Box". Type in the name of your leadbox and assign it to an existing campaign, or create a new campaign by clicking the "+" icon. Then, select the tag you want associated with these leads or create a new tag by clicking the "+" icon.
- You can set up a "Box Design" for your form or leave it to the default style.
- Make sure "Box Location" is set to "External Site".
- Under "Thank You Page", select the name of the page you created in step 5.
- Choose your "Box Width", "Box Align" and "Button Value".
- Finally, choose the "Default Inputs" you'd like people to fill out. If you would like more options you can add the WebTool "CRM Pro" that will allow you to create custom fields.
- Add any text you'd like associated with the form and click "Save" at the bottom of the page.
- Now, return to your Wordpress site and navigate to Appearance > Widgets. You will see a section called "Widgets for Shortcodes". Click the drop down arrow to open this box. Then, click and drag "AllProWebTools LeadBox into the "Widgets for Shortcodes" area. Once there, click the "AllProWebTools LeadBox" drop down arrow and select the appropriate "LeadBox" from the drop down menu. After selecting your LeadBox, you will see a shortcode at the bottom of the section. Copy this shortcode making certain to copy the brackets surrounding it. It should look something like this: [do_widget id=apwtleadbox-4]
- Finally, navigate to the landing page you created earlier in step 6. Place your cursor at the bottom of your text and paste the shortcode onto your landing page. Click "Update" to save your page and then "View Page" at the top of your screen. This should bring you to your finished landing page that includes the form you set in AllProWebTools.
Adding Landing Pages to Your AllProWebTools Website
If your website is built on AllProWebTools, your process for adding landing pages is much simpler. Follow these steps:
- Within your AllProWebTools account, navigate to Website > My Webpages and click "Create New Page". You'll want to create 2 pages, your landing page and your thank you page and name them accordingly.
- Next, go to Contacts > Sign-Up Boxes to create your lead capture form. Click "Create New Box". Type in the name of your leadbox and assign it to an existing campaign, or create a new campaign by clicking the "+" icon. Then, select the tag you want associated with these leads or create a new tag by clicking the "+" icon.
- You can set up a "Box Design" for your form or leave it to the default style.
- Make sure "Box Location" is set to "Your Site".
- Under "Thank You Page", select the name of the thank you page you created in step 1.
- Choose your "Box Width", "Box Align" and "Button Value".
- Finally, choose the "Default Inputs" you'd like people to fill out. If you would like more options you can add the WebTool "CRM Pro" that will allow you to create custom fields.
- Add any text you'd like associated with the form and click "Save" at the bottom of the page.
- Copy the widget code that appears, then navigate to the landing page you created in step 1. Place your cursor at the bottom of your text and paste the text onto your landing page. Click "Save" to save your page.
We are excited to help you create your own landing pages so you can build your list and increase your number of customers. If any of this seems too time-consuming or complicated for you, we have Experts who specialize in helping you set up landing pages. Contact one of our AllPro Experts today for help adding our landing page tools to your AllProWebTools account.
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