How AllProWebTools Has Shaped My Future

By: Andrea Lotz Tuesday April 12, 2016 comments Tags: employees, allprowebtools, intern

Today is my last day at AllProWebTools, and I’m definitely experiencing the very definition of “mixed feelings.” Working with the team on the challenge of growing this incredible startup has been incredibly rewarding, a huge learning experience, and has inspired me for the future.

I’m moving on next to an online editor position at F+W, a media and ecommerce company specializing in hobbies and special interests. For example, I’ll be working with with their weaving and spinning communities, writing blog posts, social media, and other content for those sites.

Without AllProWebTools, I never would have gotten this opportunity.

When I graduated from college, I found myself, as so many other people my age do, in an awkward position. I had a degree in writing, but little experience. I spent over a year applying for jobs and trying out a few opportunities, living with my parents and panicking about the future.

A True “Learning Experience”

Then I saw the job posting that brought me to AllProWebTools. I submitted my application and came in for an interview with Dave, AllProWebTools’ founder. I could tell even from the interview that AllProWebTools was the kind of place where learning was a major value and priority.

Once I got the job, I started learning so much so quickly that I was sleeping 10 hours a night just to process it all. I learned about writing for the internet, I learned about SEO, and I learned about what it takes to be a small business owner.

I think this focus on learning is what makes AllProWebTools a really special place to work. Watching how much our interns grow in just a few months, seeing some of them become full time employees and continuing to grow, and seeing the company grow too as a result has been really special to witness.

One of the best things about working for AllProWebTools is how much things change day-to-day and month-to-month. I’ve worn so many hats in this role, and that’s only increased my opportunities to learn new skills and learn what I like to do.

Managing Management

One of those skills has been learning the basics of managing an employee. I had the chance to work with two great interns in my time here, and the AllProWebTools toolkit was a great way to learn the art of management.

Even if I don’t have AllProWebTools in my next management role, I can pull some key lessons from the mindset behind the software. I’ve learned how important it is to get key tasks in writing, and how much of a difference your organizational systems and processes can make on productivity. I’ve also learned some really valuable lessons about how to manage for self-reliance and confidence.

An Entrepreneurial Future?

In a few years, I hope to transition to either running my own business or working as a freelancer. I’ve wanted to do so for a long time, but without this job, I would have had no idea what I was getting into.

Now I’ve spent over a year really diving into the issues facing small business owners, and I feel much more prepared and knowledgeable. And I can certainly tell you, I’ll be signing up for AllProWebTools when I go to do it!

I’m so thankful to AllProWebTools and my team for all the many opportunities I’ve been given here, and here’s to whatever the future may hold!

Andrea Lotz

About the Author: Andrea Lotz

Andrea is the resident writer for AllProWebTools. She loves to write about just about anything, especially small businesses, sustainability, and whatever is new and upcoming on the horizon.  She lives in Fort Collins and spends her free time cycling, welding, cooking, and playing ukulele. 

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